Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Anja's First Day of Preschool!

September 14, 2010 -- Anja's first day of preschool.

Today was Anja's first official day of preschool. She almost forgot I was there and her teacher had to remind her to give her mama a hug before I left. I teared up. She didn't. This is exactly how it's suppose to go.

Milla was SO excited to sit with Anja on the swing. She must have known it was a special day!

When we got there to pick her up, Milla excitedly shouted, "ANJA!" to announce that it was time for us to take her home. Anja had a lot to talk about (new friends, what they did, etc.) and was really excited that they got Cheez-its and Goldfish for snack (she's never seen a Cheez-it in our house before so THAT was a big deal)! I have a feeling she's going to tell us about many "new" snacks this year!

When we put her to bed that night, she asked if she could go back to preschool again tomorrow. She was disappointed to hear that she would have to wait two days to go back. We hope that her enthusiasm for school continues!

Anja & Milla are so fun and sweet with each other nowadays. (Most of the time that is!)