Thursday, November 08, 2007

BabyLegs and the Big ONE!

Anja in her BabyLegs . . . and apple juice soaked onesie.

Since it's getting a little colder out, we (okay, I) decided that Anja was due to try out one of the latest baby trends: BabyLegs. They're like leg warmers for little people, and have various other uses. You can read more about them (or find out where they're sold) at:

At this stage, Anja is into pushing, pulling and dragging things. Her high chair, picnic table, car (see photos), rocking chair, our chairs and other various pieces of large furniture are all game. At times, she really amazes us with her strength!

We're getting ready for Anja's first birthday . . . only one more week and she's out of the "infant" section entirely! (Sigh.)

1 comment:

Peter said...

You're pushing her to get outdoors and train with her new legwarmers? Why don't you get her a trainer instead? It wouldn't be 'proper cycling' to ride inside? Well, it's just my opinion, but I don't think you should be pushing her this hard this early, but who am I to say? It's your kid. Are you making her shave her legs too? For the amount of crap I've received about having shaved legs, I wouldn't be surprised. This weekend should be great for Ironman training. I'm running 16 on Saturday and riding two hours on Sunday. See you there Shana.