Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Trip to the Erickson Bros. Tree Farm

L to R: Erik, Shana, Anja, Beck, Susie, Pat, Han, Heather, Taro and Christer.

As most everyone knows, Erik's family owns a tree farm near Taylor's Falls, so every year we have the opportunity to cut down our family Christmas tree. Two Sundays ago, with the freshly fallen snow on the ground, we ventured out with some friends and their families. The kids enjoyed sledding, stomping around in the snow, making snow angels, and of course, the cookies, cider and watching the ever-expanding model train display.

. . . and they're off!

Han gives the tree cutters the all-clear.

Taro makes a snow angel.

Walking on snow is a little more challenging!

All bundled up . . .

Beck and Taro give Erik a hand hauling the trees back to the shaker.

Our tree sits in our living room, still undecorated after 11 days. We hope to get it decorated before Christmas Eve. Anja is learning to say "tree" and "lights" -- "ornaments" is a little too advanced, and if you ask us, way overrated (for now anyway). We're looking forward to spending the week with family and friends, relaxing and unwinding before the craziness begins again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you. My life is now complete.