Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Hey Elmo . . . pass me a fork!

The past few weeks have been really busy, but I'm not sure with what! Our days have been quite uneventful, which explains the lack of posts. Apologies to our loyal readers!

The three of us went to Sesame Street Live a couple of weeks ago, courtesy of Erik's Dad who scored some free tickets. The first half was a little scary for Anja, but by the second, she was able to point out the guy who is on all of her food boxes/cans, and in some of books that my Sister's family bought her for Christmas. Who's what guy? It's everyone's favorite: Elmo.

A couple of tips for anyone out there looking to see the show: 1) Remove your child from the auditorium just before intermission--it will save you lots of cash! $8 for a helium Elmo balloon--come on! (No, Anja didn't get one!) 2) Bring earplugs, or ask the sound guy to cut everyone a break by lowering the volume. That being said, it was fun to get out and offer Anja a completely new experience!

On the home front, Anja has been practicing using a spoon and fork . . . it's going to take her awhile but she's getting the hang of using something other than the her trusty hands! The only problematic time is when she decides it's fun to dip the spoon in something, say, apple sauce and fling her arms up quickly. It gets a laugh, obviously more so on her end! Here she is, trying out both hands to see which one works better.

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