Saturday, April 19, 2008

Norway . . . finally!

It's been two weeks, and we've finally recovered from the trip. Since there are many pictures we'd like to post, but Anja is waking up from her nap right now, I'm going to do things in batches.

Take 1: Take-off and arrival in Norway . . . and our first day in Trysil! Enjoy the forthcoming photos!

Erik and Anja just before take-off to Reykjavik. She did pretty well on this flight . . . thank goodness we bought her own seat and brought her car seat! Lifesavers!

Easter Sunday . . . we skied out and had what I would call hot dogs wrapped in lefsa. (Tasted great after the ski!) Anja got to ride the entire way in a Fjellpulken (a really cool sled).

There was an incredible amount of snow . . . we took this photo from the car. We would've been buried in the snow banks no problem!

The next day brought us back out for another ski. This route had lots of hills and great vistas!

Siv, Morten and Morten charting our route. Our view while we skied . . . we could see forever!

We carved out a bench and stopped for hot chocolate, coffee and some Norwegian chocolate. Yum yum!

Siv waves on the way back! We were on a great big hill!

Erik pulled Anja in the pulke again . . . she kept yelling "fun! fun!" when we skied down hills on the way back. If you look closely, you can see her left dimple! Big smiles!

Look closely and you can see buried cabins . . . there was so much snow!

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