Saturday, July 05, 2008

A Beautiful Fourth on Half Moon Lake

Anja ventures out into the deep.

Last fall, the Erickson and the Letnes families, together with another family, purchased a lake cabin on Half Moon Lake in Wisconsin. Yesterday 11 Ericksons and Letneses ventured out for a picnic, canoeing, fishing, some sun and relaxation. The cabin isn't entirely finished yet, but we're working on it. We hope to have a fully functioning kitchen and bathroom in the next couple of weeks.

Anja loved the lake, and I was a very brave lake goer as well. For those of you who don't know, I am oftentimes one of the fastest finishers out of the water during triathlons primarily because I don't like swimming in the lake. !!!

It was a great day to relax and just float.

Anja and Grandpa Ron.

Erik's parents bought this great float . . . my parents (pictured) thought it was the best! You don't even have to get in--what a bonus! (For those of us who don't necessarily like lake swimming!)

Steve and Anja playing "What's this?!" on the deck. (Anja's a curious little one!)

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