Saturday, January 03, 2009

Ut på ski!

Anja got her first pair of skis this holiday season, a pair that both Karl and I used when we were little. While there is some uncertainty as to when my brother and I first used these skis, maybe it was at two years old, maybe it wasn't until we were three or four, there is no uncertainty about Anja. This kid is a natural. Here she is on skis for the first couple of times at two years, 1.5 months. Enjoy the video. It's one minute 40 seconds in length.

The clips where it is snowing was her very first time on skis. We had two brief attempts (we basically put the skis on and she was done) and then another great outing yesterday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anja is incredible!!! She has more talent skiing then I do!!
