Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Two Months! and Milla's First Trip to the Zoo

Milla is two months today, and it's been a lot of fun to watch her grow. There's such a contrast between the girls right now . . . Anja can do many things while Milla is just learning to do the most basic of things. It's amazing how easily you forget all of those little steps that bring you to the present moment. Erik is especially appreciating all of these little steps this time around as he's home for the summer and able to see many more of them on a daily basis.

Milla has really impressed us with how strong she is . . . holding her head up much of the time and bearing lots of weight on her little legs. She's also using her vocal chords more often, giving us many "ah-goos!" which Anja likes to imitate, is quite smiley, and is becoming more interested in what we do (particularly the shadow puppeteering I've come to do at bedtime when the lighting is just right). But she is still a baby, so she sleeps a lot. Like today, she slept through our entire visit to the Como Zoo, rain and all.

Milla's position the entire time . . . she's a good sleeper!

"Let's jump on one foot!" Maya and Anja footloose and fancy free.

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