Monday, September 07, 2009

Much to Celebrate

When asked whether he wanted a simple or fancy cake, he replied, "Simple!" So, thank you Betty Crocker for the Angel Food box (!) cake. Anja beat Erik to the punch both times we lit the candle. She'll be ready for her 3rd birthday in November!

Erik turned 30 today! We decided to throw him an impromptu party around 9:30am, and by 4pm we were at the park celebrating with family and a few friends. He starts his PhD program tomorrow and I'm pretty sure he feels like it's the perfect way to start his 30s.

I'd like to thank Paul and Marilyn for bringing him into the world . . . he's quite the catch!

1 comment:

Ron said...

It is delightful seeing Anja so quick and ready for action! The look on her face is that of being at the starting line waiting for the signal. There is an eagerness in her eyes! Get it lit so I can blow it out! Wonderful!
Grandpa Ron