Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Time to Catch Up!

(Anja's creation: please note the drink coasters strategically placed at each leg.)

This picture of Anja (taken last Saturday) pretty much captures the chaotic fall we've had . . . a little bit of everything, fairly well organized, teetering just so. Needless to say, we are looking forward to some time off!

Anja with the same drying rack before her 1st birthday. (Just because.)

It's time to recap a little and catch our blog up before Christmas and New Year's arrive, so here it goes.

We spent the day before Thanksgiving traveling around a bit . . . our first stop was Bella's in Alexandria to have pre-Thanksgiving lunch with Great Grandma Bev.

Our next stop was to Windom, MN where my Dad is the Interim Lead Pastor at American Lutheran Church. We spent the night in the parsonage and then drove out to Annandale for Thanksgiving with Erik's extended family.

The next day brought us to the Erickson Brothers Tree Farm to pick out our Christmas tree.

The start of our trek through the fields (it took forever but we found a good one)!

Anja running the trains inside.

It only took us a couple of days to put it up . . . here Anja and Papa put the finishing touch on the tree.

Our first real snow at our new house! This is the snow pile in our backyard . . . the kids are out there playing every chance they get, even in these colder than normal temps. Anja is in heaven!

This is Milla's favorite thing to do now . . . standing, practice walking, pulling up on everything, and even climbing up a stair. We may have another early walker on our hands!

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