Wednesday, March 24, 2010

11 Months!

11 months today!

Milla is 11 months today! She's been very vocal the past month, is becoming increasingly aware of her surroundings and loves being outside. She's doing a lot of standing, standing and clapping, standing and holding her hands above her head, etc. and her walking record is at four continuous steps. It won't be long before she's chasing her sister!

I've been calling her "snuggles" lately because she's such a cuddly baby. Hold her and add her purple blanket to the mix and she's in heaven!

She's clearly growing . . . she does a lot of ducking under the table now!

See you next month!


Ron said...

I just saw her hours ago and I miss her already. She is the snuggliest baby with the biggest smiles for you just before she ducks her head shyly. Looking forward to the next warm day when I can give her a ride in her double seat wagon (with Anja, too, of course). Grandma Linda

rjerdee said...

Precious little girl!