Saturday, November 18, 2006


Yesterday, we took our little Anja home. Surreal is a good word to describe the entire experience. Time basically stopped while we were in the hospital and to find ourselves walking into our home with Anja felt like we were stepping into a new world. Nothing will ever be the same!

Despite the last two sleepless nights, we both feel like we're hanging in there. Grandma Erickson was especially kind to watch Anja for a couple hours last night while Shana and I slept. It's amazing what just an hour of sleep can do.

Thanks to everyone for all your wonderful comments and well wishes, they are greatly appreciated!

We'll keep the photos coming and we hope you enjoy these new additions. We're quickly learning that digitial photography and proud parents can be a dangerous combination (how many photos of a sleeping baby do you need? :-).

Vi håper at det bli ikke for langt før vi kan reise til Norge med Anja. Hun må treffer Norske bestemor og bestefar og alle andre familie og venner. Vi håper alt går bra med Mariann og Terje også - sende oss en e-post når dere fikk tid til det. Kanjske en dag Anja og Elise (og andre?) kunne gå på folkehøyskole sammen! Jeg håper alle fra Hedmarktoppen har det bra og har lyst å høre om hva dere drive med nå. Takk for alle beskjed!

Erik and Shana


Anonymous said...


Don't forget that you're also a grandpa of 4, well now 5. Thus, shouldn't you be signing your name "grandpa?" :-)

Anonymous said...

Erick and Shana,
I love the pics of Anja. I wonder what her halloween costume will be for the Red Barn Classic #3?
Take care,

Anonymous said...

Hello Erik, Shana and Anja!
Gratulerer så kjempemasse med ei
super søt jente!! Vi går å venter i
spenning på vår tur og gleder oss
ut av våre gode skinn 8-)

Stay in touch!

MVH Mariann, Terje + + +