Monday, November 13, 2006

The Waiting Game

No baby yet! We've gone from expecting our little girl to be early to wondering if she might be late. We'll keep the updates coming as it could be any day (or any week). We feel as ready as we can be, now it's just keeping our nerves from becoming totally fried.

Winter is starting to make it's way into daily life as the days become shorter and we've even had some flurries. It won't be long now until we can do a little skiing! Although I doubt we'll be putting into too many KMs this year.

Oh, we should mention that we revamped how you can post comments. You no longer need to be a member in order to post comments. Just click the circle next to other or anonymous. Notice how even in 'other' the name and web page field are both optional. Then just fill in the word verification and hit publish your comment, after you have finished typing your comment of course. Hope to hear from all of you.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Mom and Dad! She is a beautiful baby! Grandma Marilyn sent a picture online! We are very excited for all of you! Welcome Little Anja!!
Dan and Sue

Anonymous said...

Based on the previous comment, I assume you are now proud parents - Congratulations!! (I'm so glad I got your blog address from Nathan) When the three of you get home and things settle down (ha! that'll be in about 18 years) give me a call. Nathan will be in MN from 12/15 through the end of the year so we'll definitely have to meet your beautiful daughter, Anja. Congratulations and remember that the free babysitting offer stands!!! So so so happy for you (she'll have a Gossai friend in approximately March 2008 if my calculations are correct).

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mom and Dad! Anja is beautiful! We're so very happy for you and we send you our best wishes as you begin this new time in your lives. Love seeing the pics.
Dell and Jo