Sunday, September 28, 2008

Time for a Toddler "Tent"!

"It's time to sleep in my tent!"

We measured Anja today, and she's a whopping 38 inches tall, which means 3T when you're talking clothes, and >97th percentile for height. This also means that her wonderful Stokke crib was getting too small for her. We thought we could make it to 2 years, but decided since we were in the area dropping my parents off for their 32 day trip "over the pond" that it was time for us to take a trip to Ikea!

Anja's first (and final) stop was to the bed with the "blue tent" over it. The others were nice, but clearly, we would be leaving with the blue tent. A few hours later, she was all set, ready to sleep in her new tent. :) Something must have worked, because she actually slept until 7:09 this morning . . . hooray!

1 comment:

Peter said...

I had a bed tent when I was a kid, it was sweet.