Tuesday, December 09, 2008

It's Another Girl!

For those of you curious folks, we went in for our 20 week ultrasound today and found out we will be having another baby girl in April! We're very excited, and Anja is as well, although she wants to be the "little sister" and not the "big sister." We've got a few months to work on her yet, so we're not too worried. Anyone care to guess or suggest some names? (Please note: they must be Scandinavian.) We've got a few we're deciding between, but we're not telling!
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Anonymous said...

Very Norwegian, and almost Erik's middle name...
Also the name of the mascot for the olympic games in Lillehammer.
Margrethe bør være en solid kandidat.
Eller hva med Gudrun, Møyfrid, Hildegunn, Margot, Frøydis, Solbjørg, Klara eller Petra?

Sarah said...

Congrats! That's amazing :)

Good luck with names - whatever you pick will seem perfect, even obvious about 5 minutes after she's born.

Seconds on Petra! And you may want to have a boy name handy just in case! It's been known to happen ;)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Another girl--how very special!! Take good care of one another!
Dan and Sue

The Gossai's said...

Yeah! How exciting! We'll know if baby Erickson will have a boyfriend or a girlfriend in early January! Onto the name game - good luck! Can you top Anja?! I've loved it since the day she was born!!