Thursday, December 04, 2008

It's Time for Christmas Lights!

Anja has been eyeing the lights across the street, so we decided to start our holiday decorating early (okay so it's not so early for everyone else, but for us it is!). She was a great helper, checking the lights, "They work!" and helping string them around the railings. Next decorating task: getting our tree at the Erickson Bros. Tree Farm on Sunday with friends.

Anja also had her two year check-up today. She's a healthy 2-year-old! Her measurements put her in the 95th percentile in height (37"), weight (34 lbs.) and head circumference (20"). The only negatives of the morning were the immunizations and the milking of her finger for the lead test. Lots of tears! But, as you can see above, she made it through just fine. (She even took a nap for me this afternoon---those are hard to come by these days!)

1 comment:

LCC said...

Shana, you came into my mind today and I decided to try to internet stalk you. I happened upon your blog and wanted to get in touch with you. It looks like you are doing well and still in MN. I may be moving back there soon with my husband. Please email when you get a chance. I would love to catch up: I hope you and your family are doing well this holiday season. Take care. Laura Paddack Childs