Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Big Move

The last year has been a long and hard one for my parents, and the culmination of it was the scheduled move that took place this past week. Between preparing their home in Colorado for sale, showings, cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning, they finally sold their house and began packing a couple of weeks ago.

A few words of wisdom from my Mom: "De-clutter now, Shana! It will make your life a whole lot easier when you decide to sell and move again!" Here's a picture of my Dad, nephew Antonio (a great little helper!), and Erik with the moving truck they drove to Cloquet. The truck was stuffed to the gills, thanks to Erik's master packing skills. The unpacking of the additional PODS will happen later this fall. (Hoorah!)

My Dad will be serving a parish as interim for a year or more. In the meantime, the builders have already started construction on their new home in Blaine. Here's a shot of Our Savior's in Cloquet.

Speaking of moving, Anja is keeping her pace. We purchased a walker for her, and she's taking to it quite well. Here she is moving her blocks this afternoon.

I can't resist posting another photo, so here she is in her little library. She's a great page turner!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We already miss our wonderful neighbors of 17 years. We watched their children grow up into successful adults and watched their grandkids play at their house. You always take things for granted until they are gone. We certainly wish Ron & Linda and their entire extended family the best. Good luck in the next phase of your lives.

The Raasch's