Friday, June 22, 2007

Mark is now 85% Chinese

In a recent e-mail from China, Mark Gudmastad (one of Anja's Godparents) informed us that he is now 85% Chinese. While he wouldn't elaborate at this time, if this turns out to be true Anja's Godparents aren't just Scandinavian any more.

Mark also sent along these photos. He has been traveling around Chengdu in West-Central China. Here are some excerpts from his e-mail. "I've had a pretty exciting time here. I spent 10 days on a solo trip out to the Tibetan/Sichuan border. Three days on a highway listed as one of the highest, most dangerous in the world. Visiting lots of buddhist monasteries. . . . The mountain in the picture is Minya Kanka (Gangga Shan in Chinese) - "To behold it is worth ten years of meditation," according to an inscription at the base. Summited only 6 times with many failures. Two weeks before I was there an Australian man disappeared while trekking around the base of it - they think maybe avalanche. 7,590m; third highest mountain in the world outside of the Himalayas/Karakoram. Heading south to the Yunan province tomorrow, maybe. Will spend a couple weeks weeks backpacking around there."

We're definitely jealous of his trip and we're happy to hear he is having such a good time. We also can't wait to hear some crazy stories when he gets back!

In a subsequent e-mail we have also discovered that this blog is "one of the select sites blocked by the Chinese government." OK, so its probably all blogs. Nonetheless, sorry to all of our China based readers who cannot access this blog.

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