Wednesday, June 04, 2008


We sat up to the left of the "CHANGE" banner.

Last night, my mom and I waited in line for over three hours to cross the threshold into the Xcel Energy Center to listen to Barack Obama speak, and declare that he was indeed the Democratic Presidential Nominee. We parked in the Science Museum ramp, followed the line for about a mile and a half, and reached the end 25 minutes later. Within about five minutes of standing there, at least 100 more people lined up behind us (and then several thousand more after that).

This is where we started (left) and where we ended (right).

Once we got in, we headed to Suite #67, the Schwan's box at Xcel. Paul (Erik's dad) had arranged that we could take two of their seats. (Thanks Paul and Schwans!)

Obama is clearly a gifted orator, respectful of his opponents, knows how to get the crowd going (even if we are somewhat lame when it comes to cheering and chanting---it's the Norwegian Lutheran in so many of us), and sends a message that is quite refreshing to this young person. One thing is for sure: I think many of us are more optimistic about this election because, not only do we have a strong candidate this time around, but in the end, we all know George is going back to Texas. Amen.


Apollo 13 said...

I agree. I know a few people who went to Obama rallies and they had the same kinds of thoughts.
Obama for prez!!!

Anonymous said...

Lori, Dan, Kyle, and Alicia are thrilled that Obama is well on his way. Sue, an avid Hillary supporter, is somewhat disappointed...but all of us cannot wait to send George back to Texas!!! Obama for President!!!!