Sunday, June 08, 2008

A Weekend at Banning State Park

This past weekend we ventured out with Anja and a couple of friends to Banning State Park, about an hour north of the Cities. We really lucked out with the weather . . . not much, if any rain and a lot of sunshine. We took a short hike, Erik and Nick did a little kayaking, we ate S'mores (of course), jumped in puddles, swatted mosquitoes, and in general just relaxed. It was nice to see Erik have some fun before the final push of getting his thesis accomplished!

Anja had a great time . . . we bought her galoshes the night before we left and it was the best $14.99 we've spent in awhile. She LOVED jumping in the puddles! Below is a video of Anja doing the best swimming she could in the dirt. As you'll probably hear on the video, Anja, Aimee and I were on a walk and Anja just dropped onto the ground and started doing this, so we taped her when we got back to the campsite. Hope you get a laugh!

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